Saturday 13 April 2013

Today is a miserable drizzly day (although not cold) so what better way to spend it than by blogging - note I wrote blogging, not blobbing - that might come later ;0)

Anyway a quick run down of yesterday.

On Thursday we found out why Roy has been getting so tired - his hemoglobin was sitting at 80 so yesterday he spent the day up at the hospice receiving 2 units of blood.  Today (Sat) he is looking much better - more colour and def more energy.

I went up to Palmy in the afternoon to pick Roy up and and then we went to Aimee and Richard's to babysit Noah for them while they went out for a work dinner.

Today Roy and I went to watch Joel's soccer team play a home game.  We were specially invited by Joel's coach (Mike Utting - former All Whites goal-keeper).  We were given the VIP treatment and as a memento of the game Roy was given a ball signed by all the team.  Unfortunately they lost 2-1 :0(  We felt really blessed though with the thoughtfulness that was shown to us.

It has really amazed me the people that the Lord has put on our path at this time.  We have been blessed to receive so much encouragement from so many different people that it is both overwhelming and humbling.

I guess what has really amazed me is that often this encouragement has come from people who I didn't expect it from and those who I thought would 'be there' for us aren't.

It brings to mind the parable of the 'Good Samaritan' that Jesus told in Luke 10:25-37.

How often do we not behave like the priest and the Levite in the parable and pass by those who need us.  I am ashamed to say that I have definitely been guilty of this in the past.  But being in this 'situation' has opened my eyes to my failings and that I need to be much more like the Samaritan and reach out to those who need my love and support, even if it means stepping out of my comfort zone.  Scary!! ;0)

We are very quick to find an excuse, but lets not forget it's not about us and how we feel.  It's about letting God use us to touch the life of someone in need so that He will be glorified.

Words are not even needed - sometimes all we need to do is give a hug, a smile, a touch or just a listening ear.  It's showing that we care rather than showing that we're indifferent.

I can hear many of you saying - at least I'm praying - and don't get me wrong that's awesome and important, but it's an easy thing to do.  But it so much harder to step out of your comfort zone and actually reach out to someone.  And yet as Christians that is exactly what we should be doing.  In fact it's what we are called to do.

Galatians 6:2 tells us to "Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ."

My prayer is that each one of us will be brave enough to step outside our secure comfort zones and reach out to those around us who need us.

A HUGE thank you to all who have been reaching out to both Roy and I, may God bless you and may you continue to be a blessing in the lives of those around you.

Much love and blessings

PS: I'm off to blob now :0)

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