"When peace like a river, flows all through my life, when sorrows like sea billows roll;
whatever my lot, you have taught me to say: it
is well, it is well with my soul.
Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come, let this blest assurance control;
that Christ has regarded my helpless estate and has shed His own blood for my soul."
What a comfort and what a joy to know that no matter what I have to face it is well with my soul.
My plans for Monday were quickly thrown out the window when we had to make a sudden trip up to Palmy to the Hospice to see the doc re Roy's medication and continuous spontaneous throwing up. It was decided to take Roy off the anti inflammation tablet that he was on and try a new one. So home we went, picked up the new tabs and waited to see if this was the miracle 'cure' - but no it wasn't, the throwing up continued.
On Monday night we had some 'normality' among the craziness with a few members of the family and extended family here for dinner and I must say we had a really lovely time.
On Wednesday Roy went for a blood test to see what - if any - difference the blood transfusion had made, he also had a long talk with the hospice nurse and in the end it was decided that they would try giving the anti nausea meds through a slow release drip system. This would have to be installed by the district nurse. She came to do this on Thursday morning - even though it was ANZAC Day. The whole process took about an hour to set up and when she was done Roy had a drip line in the top of his left arm and a small device which he had to carry around with him. We found a bag to put it in so at least he could be hands free.
Things were looking up until bedtime :0( The next morning was even worse with Roy throwing up every time he stood up. By 9am he'd had 3 episodes even though he had nothing in his tummy - he was totally worn out. We had another call from the Hospice nurse and it was decided that Roy should spend sometime up at the Hospice in Palmy so they could monitor him and see if they could get to the bottom of what was going on. It was also decided that Roy needed more blood as his red blood cell count had again dropped.
A HUGE thank you to my Mum and Dad who took Roy up to Palmy for me as I already had committed to a trip down to Wellington to pick up son Tim from the airport, as he was coming to visit for the weekend.
This morning Tim and I headed up to Palmy to visit Roy. It was great to find him in good spirits and looking way better than he had the day's before. In total he has received 4 units of blood. They have taken him off the anti inflammation tabs, but upped his morphine dose. He slept very well last night with no pain. There is some concern about internal bleeding so they are investigating this further. Roy also had trouble peeing yesterday, but that seems to have come right again by itself, although a blood test has shown a decrease in kidney function. The throwing up also continues :0(
We spent a lovely few hours together as a family in the awesome family room that is at the Hospice - with Roy and the children playing a couple of games of Monopoly Millionaire while I had Oma cuddles with Noah.
Tomorrow sees the arrival of Ryan and grand-daughter Inge for a 4 day visit and the departure of Tim back to Christchurch.
At this stage Roy will be staying at the Hospice until at least Monday.
The news on the house front is that there is really no news - of the 2 people who were through at last Sunday's open home - 1 couple is very keen, spent the whole half hour here but first have to sell their house. The other lady is an open home groupie (apparently she has been going to open homes since forever and has yet to buy a house) - she thought it was a great house for the price.
Once again a HUGE thank you to all who continue to hold us before the Throne of Grace with their prayers, and also to those who encourage us with cards, deeds and gifts. We are humbled and blessed everyday.
Well I'm off to bed as it's been a long day and tomorrow will prob be the same. Sleep well.
Wishing you a blessed Lord's day tomorrow.
Love and hugs